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Oracle Fusion HCM Interview Questions

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Oracle Fusion HCM Interview Questions

Spending sleepless nights to get through your impending Oracle Fusion HCM interview? Well, take a look at these Oracle Fusion HCM Interview questions and a majority of your job is done.
Oracle Fusion HCM is a management system in itself. It is a complete set of processes and products related to human resources (HR). Oracle Fusion HCM helps businesses get insights about their different departments. This way, they can keep the record of the data and other documents in a comprehensive manner.
Because of the convenience and benefits this application offers, professionals who know how to work with Oracle Fusion HCM are in great demand. As such, there are many job opportunities related to this platform out there. Getting these job opportunities can help them secure their career. Usually, these jobs are the high-paid ones.
So, if you too are aspiring to get into these jobs, you must prepare well for the interviews. As a top Oracle Fusion HCM online training institute, IQ Stream Technologies offer interview assistance to all its trainees. To make your journey of “dream career” simpler, here are some of the common Oracle Fusion Interview Questions.
Takes the notes.

Career Opportunities:

Oracle HCM Cloud Functional Consultant
Oracle HCM Cloud Technical Consultant
Oracle HCM Cloud Solutions Architect
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Manager
Oracle HCM Cloud Testing Engineer
Oracle HCM Cloud Business Analyst
Oracle HCM Consultant

Oracle Fusion HCM Interview Questions and Answers

What are some of the benefits of using an Enterprise Structure Configuration?

The benefits of ESC include:

  • It allows you to create different organizational structures instantly and concurrently.
  • Since it can create numerous configurations, ESC is of great significance when it comes to testing multiple scenarios.
  • You can roll back the configuration even when the same has been loaded earlier.
  • You can review the configuration before loading them. This helps in avoiding errors at later stages.

Is Oracle Fusion HCM a currency independent platform?

Yes! Users don’t need to worry about the currency as this platform is equipped with some inter-currency conversion features. This makes it easier for users to understand the concepts at the ground level. Not only this, but users can also understand easily the management aspects in terms of local currency rates.

Is it possible to update the record of an assignment recurrently? If yes, how will you track the same?

Yes, this is possible. To track the record, this, we will first need to create a physical record for each update. Further, all the modifications that you make should be assigned a unique sequence number. This number allows you to track the modifications anytime as per their need. You can even manage the updates separately.

What do you know about the Enterprise Structure Configuration?

This is a tool that helps you create and manage an enterprise structure. You can define various position structures with the help of this tool.

What is the use of a Functional Setup Manager?

Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager is used to handle certain setup tasks involved in the completion of a project. An FSM can lead you throughout the project in terms of its functional implementation.
If you feel the need to take the Oracle Fusion HCM course before appearing in the interview, contact IQ Stream.Get the complete course details here:

Oracle Cloud HCM Interview Questions

What is an enterprise structure Configurator (ESC)?

It is an interview-primarily based device that leads you through organization system configuration. Users use this device as a part of their installation to define the company systems, various activities and function structures of the enterprise. To get access to ESC, select set-up business enterprise structures venture under the “initial Configuration assignment” listing. Moreover, you can also define organization setup, organization structure, position and jobs in an enterprise.

What are the common tasks involved in the square measure throughout the implementation?

The common tasks include management of legal addresses, lookups, review periods, grades, worker goal setups, business units, divisions, locations, legal entity, departments, documents types, and more.

What is meant by LDG in Oracle Fusion HCM?

LDG stands for Legislative Data Group. It is used in distributing the payroll and the concerned data. Generally, payroll is processed and is associated with the legislative code. Some other factors that matter in LDG include the currency one is using and the structure of the task.

What is document of records in fusion HCM?

In oracle cloud, we can create document of record to give employees flexibility to upload electronic/soft copy of the documents such as visa, passport, medical result, degree, certificates. Similarly, document of record also gives option to employer to share documents with employee like monthly payslips, tax year-end files, annual compensation letter etc. Steps involved in creating document of records:
a. Business Requirement to setup Document of Record
Workers should be able to raise their travel and visa expenses for reimbursement.
b. Create Document Category (optional)
Document categories provide a way to group documents into meaningful categories. In general, you do not need to create custom categories, there are many categories delivered by oracle. But just to demonstrate the capability and functionality we create a custom category called Reimbursement.
c. Create Document Types
d. Create Contexts Sensitive Segments
To create a category search for the task Manage Common Lookups and then search for the lookup type DOCUMENT_CATEGORY.
e. How to use Document of Record?
To use the document of record employee can navigate to Me » Personal Information » Document Record

Mass Download Document Records
You can mass download all document records and it’s attachments for a document type or person, or both. For example, you can download all document records for a particular document type, such as passports for all persons.
You can control a worker’s access to document records by giving the appropriate access. You can grant either the view or manage access to document records based on the document type.
Method of creating document of records
You can identify the method used to create a document record from the HR_DOCUMENTS_OF_RECORD table. The table contains an attribute which stores the method used.
There are different attributes from where document of records can be created such as HCM data loader, HCM spreadsheet data loader, HCM Extract and REST API.

How to Cancel work relationship in HCM?

A work relationship defines how a person and legal employer are related. When we cancel the work relationship for the employee then system automatically delete the work relationship, employment terms, and employee assignment created under that work relationship. It means using cancel work relationship we can delete the employee work relation with Legal employer and all the related details.
What Happens When You Cancel a Work Relationship?
The application automatically does these actions:
Deletes the work relationship and any associated assignments, and payroll, salary, and compensation records.
Deletes the assignment-based document records if the appropriate profile option is enabled.
Scenarios Where You Can’t Cancel a Work Relationship
You can’t cancel a work relationship that has a current, past, or future-dated termination. If any assignments in a work relationship are included in a payroll run, you can terminate the work relationship but you can’t cancel it.
You can’t cancel a pending worker work relationship after you convert the pending worker to an employee or contingent worker.

What is employment model in Oracle HCM?

The employment model comprises two types of entities, which are work relationships and assignments.
There are two-tier employment and three tier employment model. When you configure the employment model for the enterprise or legal employer (when you create or update the enterprise or legal employer), you can select from three two-tier options:
Single Assignment- If you select Single Assignment, each work relationship of any type has one assignment only.
The assignment is created automatically when the work relationship is created.
Single Assignment with Contract- If you select Single Assignment with Contract, users can include contract information in the single assignment.
Multiple Assignments- If you select Multiple Assignments, each work relationship of any type can include one or more assignments.

What is position synchronization in Fusion HCM?

Position synchronization is when assignments inherit the values of a predetermined position.
You can select any of the following attributes for synchronization when position synchronization is enabled:
Grade Ladder
Full Time or Part Time
Regular or Temporary
Assignment Category
FTE and Working Hours
Start Time and End Time
Probation Period
All active assignments that are synchronized from position automatically inherit changes from the position.
Assignment Changes
When you change the position in existing assignments you have a choice whether to inherit the values for those attributes which aren’t synchronized from the position.
When the manager is synchronized from the HCM position hierarchy and you change the parent position, all assignments inherit the new manager from the current parent position.
You can enable position synchronization at the enterprise and legal entity levels using the Manage Enterprise HCM Information and Manage Legal Entity HCM Information tasks (in the Setup and Maintenance work area) respectively.

What is spreadsheet loader in HCM?

HCM Data Loader is a powerful tool for bulk-loading and maintaining data. The data can be from any source. You can use HCM Data Loader for data migration, ongoing maintenance of HCM data.
You can use HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader to load most objects that HCM Data Loader support. You can load data to the HCM Data Loader stage tables from either a data (.dat) file or a spreadsheet. Your approach depends largely on how often you load data, the complexity of the data that you’re loading, who performs the bulk update.
HCM Data Loader is designed for the integration specialist, having access to HCM Data Loader allows the user to load data for supported objects.

When you click Upload in a spreadsheet, your data is uploaded to Oracle HCM Cloud

The details of this process are:

  1. You use the Run Spreadsheet Data Loader task in the Data Exchange work area to generate a spreadsheet for a business object from a spreadsheet template directly
  2. You click Create Data Set in the spreadsheet to create a data set for the data that you want to load.
  3. You enter data in the spreadsheet and click Upload. This action imports the spreadsheet data set to the HCM Data Loader stage tables.
  4. HCM Data Loader has a comprehensive user interface for loading data, monitoring progress, and reviewing any errors. It provides real-time information for all stages of its processing.
  5. You can load data from either delimited data (.dat) files or spreadsheets
  6. HCM Data Loader supports all of the following key types for most business objects:

• Oracle Fusion GUID
• Oracle Fusion surrogate ID
• Source key
• User key

You use .zip files to load data with HCM Data Loader. Each .zip file can contain one or more data (.dat) file. Each file includes data for a single business object, such as Location, Grade, Worker, or Salary. Your data file has the name of a business object that’s specified by HCM Data Loader, such as Job.dat or Worker.dat. In any .zip file, you supply data files only for the business objects that you’re loading.
There are certain instructions such as METADATA, MERGE, DELETE, SET and COMMENT that can appear in an HCM Data Loader data file.
We have METADATA instruction having format such as: METADATA||||
The MERGE line has this format:
Similarly DELETE instruction has

Oracle HCM Cloud Interview Questions

What is the difference between a Watch List and a Work List?

A watch list is a set of shortcuts to items that either requires your attention or you want to track. It is used to see a total of each item and to direct you to the relevant work area where you can perform tasks or view the item.
A Work List displays a list of tasks that require your approval and notify you to consider and view.
What are the different absence type patterns you know?
The different Absence type patterns I am familiar with are:

  • Childbirth
  • Generic absence, and
  • Injury/Illness

What do you understand with the term distribution threshold?

The distribution threshold generally takes care of the workforce, which must be there for the accomplishment of the tasks after normalization.

What do you know about the plan types in Oracle Fusion HCM?

In general, there are 3 plans available including Accrual, No Entitlement, and Qualification.

  • Accrual approach defines the reasons behind leaves of the workforce.
  • Qualification defines whether the workforce is eligible to take leaves benefits. It also states whether they should be given for such a time.
  • No entitlement plan type keeps a record of all the paid and unpaid leaves.

If you want to avail our Oracle Fusion HCM online training course, contact us today

Oracle HCM Interview Questions Answers

Some of the important Oracle fusion HCM Interview questions are:

What is Oracle Fusion Trees?

These are the geographical representations of an organization’s hierarchy. Fusion HCM offers some predefined tree structures with respect to structures, departments, and positions. Oracle Fusion Trees allow you to create multiple trees and multiple versions.

What are the different types of structures that you can manage using a Fusion Tree? Can a user change these structures?

Oracle Fusion HCM has several features that also include a graphical representation of the hierarchical data. A fusion tree here helps to represent a geographic tree, the structures of organization, and the associated.

No, it is not possible to a predefined structure. But we can create a new tree using the geographic trees. Also, a copy can have multiple versions. But this doesn’t mean that we can use all the versions simultaneously. Instead, only one instance can be used at a time.

What is the absence pattern?

An Absence pattern comprises a set of predefined rules, which further make an absence type. It is necessary to link an absence type with the absence pattern. The design a user selects will determine specific fields to appear on the absence-type pages. Some of the popularly used absence patterns are Childbirth, injury/illness, and general absence.

Oracle Fusion HCM Technical Interview Questions and Answers

Here are a few more Oracle fusion HCM Interview questions to help you crack the interview:

Explain what a watch list is.

A watch list offers a set of shortcuts to items that demand your attention. A watch list helps you create and manage different tasks.

What do you mean by Reference Data Sharing in Oracle HCM?

Reference data sharing refers to the allocation of configuration data such as grades, jobs, and more across business units. These are shared in buckets among different business units. Reference data sharing helps reduce data duplication.

What do you understand by normalization?

When a user creates rating models, it is a must to define the rating distribution. This gives an idea about the total percentage of the workforce involved. It also offers details about the increase and decreases in the number of human resources at different stages. The entire process is called normalization.

Oracle Fusion HCM Functional Interview Questions

What are the factors one must consider to specify key responsibility areas for an employee?

When an employee is hired against a particular position, the organization must consider their educational qualifications, experience, necessary skills to perform the given responsibilities, areas of interest, etc. Hiring the right candidate promotes a positive work environment.

What is the importance of Human capital management?

HCM is an asset for any organization. Every organization in the world regards its workforce as a fruitful resource. It is actually the workforce that serves and accomplish the goals of any organization. Hence, it is crucial for the organization to ensure they are hiring the right candidate. Also, an organization must take necessary measures to create, manage and grow its human resource for mutual growth. For this, they pick their employees through a particular selection process assuring that they will add value to their organization. Hence, human capital management is crucial for the overall growth of any organization.

What are the four products you receive as part of the Oracle Fusion HCM product family under the business process category of Workforce Development?

The four products are:

  • Profile Management
  • Networking at work
  • Performance and goal management
  • Talent review

Suggest some necessary sections for a Performance template associate in Oracle Fusion HCM?

Some important sections are: Manager Final Feedback Sections, Final Feedback Section By Managers, Final Feedback Sections By Workers Goal Sections, Review Sections and Questionnaire Section.

Explain Legislative facts organization in Fusion HCM?

The Legislative facts organization can be defined as a tool that is used in portioning payroll and associated facts. When an organization operates within a nation, it requires the legislative facts organization. Legislative facts organization specify the legislation wherein the payroll is processed with its own legislative code, currency and flex field structure.

What is instance qualifier?

Whenever a user adds the content in an item or updates an item, it contains an instance qualifier. The user has to select an Instant qualifier which is inserted in a row.

What is a Work Relationship in Oracle Fusion HCM?

It is the relationship between an individual and their legal employer within an enterprise. Work relationships are generally created and managed in the Person Management work area. All work relationships must have at least one assignment.

How can you define approvals for Human Capital Management?

One can manage approval policies with the help of tasks, “Manage Approval Transactions” and the “Manage Task Configurations”.

What do you know about setting up Position Synchronization?

To set up the same, you will first need to go to the “edit enterprise page” and select “enable position synchronization” attribute. You can find these options in the “Setup and Maintenance” work area.

Oracle Fusion HCM Core HR Interview Questions

What is the importance of skilled employees in organizations?

The skills of the employees enhance the productivity of any organization. Employees are an asset for any company as they contribute to its growth in their own way. They use their skills, qualifications, and experience to enhance the growth of their company.

What are the different pillars of HCM?

The core pillars are:

  • Training talent
  • Talent acquisition
  • Retaining talent, and
  • Managing talent

State the difference between a Job and a Position?

A Job is a generic role within a business group. You can define it globally in the common set. Whereas a position is a particular occurrence of a job. It is usually fixed within an organization. ‘Developer’ is Job, for instance, and ‘Senior Software Engineer’ is a position.

For more Oracle fusion HCM interview questions or any assistance regarding your Oracle Fusion HCM interview, feel free to contact us.

Oracle Fusion HCM Interview Questions for Experienced Professionals

  • Advanced Functionalities in Oracle Fusion HCM: Discuss your experience with complex functionalities in Oracle Fusion HCM and how you’ve implemented them in previous roles.
  • Integration Challenges: How have you managed the integration of Oracle Fusion HCM with other systems?

Oracle Fusion HCM Core HR Interview Questions

HCM Extracts Interview Questions

  • Extracts Creation: Describe creating and managing HCM extracts in Oracle Fusion.
  • Troubleshooting Extracts: Share an experience where you had to troubleshoot a complex issue with an HCM extract.

Oracle Fusion HCM Fast Formula Interview Questions

  • Fast Formula Usage: How do you use Fast Formula in Oracle Fusion HCM? Provide an example.
  • Optimizing Fast Formulas: What are the best practices for optimizing Fast Formulas for performance?

General Oracle HCM Interview Questions


What is Oracle Fusion HCM used for?

In an integrated cloud-based environment, Oracle Fusion HCM is used for managing HR processes, including payroll, talent management, HR analytics, and more.

What are the roles in Oracle Fusion HCM?

Roles in Oracle Fusion HCM include HR Administrator, Payroll Manager, Talent Manager, and others, each with specific responsibilities and access rights.

What are HCM interview questions?

HCM interview questions are queries designed to assess a candidate’s knowledge and experience in Human Capital Management systems, particularly in Oracle Fusion HCM.

What is HDL in Oracle Fusion HCM?

HDL stands for HCM Data Loader, a tool for bulk loading data from external sources into Oracle Fusion HCM.

What is HCM data loader?

HCM Data Loader is a utility that allows bulk import of data, such as employee records, into Oracle Fusion HCM.

What questions does HR ask in an interview?

HR typically asks questions about your experience, skills, challenges, conflict resolution, and scenarios to assess cultural fit and problem-solving abilities.

What are absence types in Fusion HCM?

Absence types in Fusion HCM refer to various categories of employee leave, such as sick leave, vacation, personal leave, etc., each configured with specific rules and policies.

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