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Best Practices in SAP ABAP Development

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IQ Stream Technologies is one of the top quality institutes for SAP ABAP training in Bangalore with highly experienced and skilled professional trainers delivering advanced SAP ABAP courses.

Best Practice Guidelines for Development

Practical tips on the ABAP Development


As standard software, SAP software is characterized by a high degree of flexibility and expandability.There are customer-specific adaptations and enhancements in almost all companies using SAPsoftware. Thus, SAP software is subject to a process of continuous adjustment and extension tochanging customer needs both on the manufacturer and on the customer side.

The high degree of flexibility and expandability of SAP software brings both advantages anddisadvantages. The software can be adapted optimally to customer specific requirements whichmay bring added value. At the same time this expandability runs the risk of resulting in customerspecific development that is complex, error prone and requires ongoing (and possibly burden-some) maintenance.

The aim of this document is to provide practical tips, thoughts on maintainability and efficientcreation of customer-specific developments.


The work of the Deutschsprachigen SAP-Anwendergruppe e.V. (DSAG for short, in English – Ger-man-speaking SAP user group) is based upon three pillars – knowledge, influence, and networking.The present document was initiated by the members of the DSAG working group for the SAPNetWeaver Development and references the first pillar, i.e. the knowledge for users and partners.

As a team of authors it is our intent to provide information regarding the topic “development” thatexists and is distributed currently amongst our member companies and to make that knowlegeavailable to the other DSAG members in the form of a compact document. It is our plan that thisdocument “lives” and that it is subject to an ongoing improvement gained from your valuableexperiences. We appreciate your feedback (preferably by e-mail to )!


SAP and a number of specialized publishing houses already provide very good publications onapplication development and extension of the SAP platform. Especially with the book “ABAP-Programmrichtlinien (programming guidelines for ABAP)”, SAP Press 2009, authors from SAP havealready taken an important step towards recommendations going beyond the mere description ofthe ABAP language and the associated tools.The added value of this document lies in the summary of best practices, practical tips, andproven system(s) of rules from the user companies.

These guidelines shall provide you – as users,developers, development managers, project managers and IT managers – with recommendationsand assistance so that you “do not have to re-invent the wheel” that enable you to build uponexperience gained by others. The recommendations presented by these guidelines do not claim tobe complete nor to be generalized, but they do represent a selection of practical tips.As a team of authors we have endeavored to find the right balance between general and detailedknowledge. Therefore, in order to avoid the repetition of topics that have been discussed in-depth,we refer you to other sources at the appropriate places. The first edition of these guidelines isfocused upon the field of ABAP development. With the corresponding feedback and your activesupport, the focus can also be directed to the JAVA development and other topics.

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