Oracle HCM Cloud Placements and Training
Visual Builder Cloud Service

Main Building Blocks of the New Visual Builder Cloud Service

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Visual applications’ basic building blocks are mobile applications, business objects, web applications, service connections, and processes. Each of these components plays a crucial role in the overall function and performance of the application.

Mobile and web applications are the primary means users interact with visual applications. UI components such as buttons, text fields, and drop-down menus provide how users input data and perform actions. Variables store data that can be accessed and used by action chains, page flows, and REST endpoints. Action chains define a sequence of actions that are performed in response to user input or other events. Page flows control the flow of information between pages in a visual application. Finally, data access through REST endpoints allows visual applications to connect to and retrieve data from external sources.

Service connections, business objects, and processes are the underlying components that make visual applications possible. Service connections provide the means by which visual applications can connect to and interact with external services. Business objects represent the data that is manipulated by visual applications. Processes define the rules and logic that govern the behavior of visual applications.

Together, these components make the foundation upon which visual applications are built. By understanding how each component works and fits into the overall structure of a visual application, developers can create powerful and effective applications that meet the needs of their users.

Top 5 Building Blocks

1.   REST

REST service connections are one of the main building blocks of the new Visual Builder Cloud Service. With REST service connections, you can quickly and easily connect to any public or private REST API, making it quite effortless to integrate with a wide variety of backend services. Best of all, REST service connections are automatically generated based on the Swagger/OpenAPI specification of the API, so you don’t need to write any code!

To use a REST service connection in your flow, simply add a new step and select “REST service” from the list of available steps. Then, specify the URL of the API you want to call, along with any authentication details that may be required. Visual Builder will then automatically generate the necessary fields and methods for you based on the API’s Swagger specification.

That’s all there is to it! With Visual Builder’s REST service connections, it’s easy to integrate with any REST API without having to write any code.

2.   Flows and Pages

Flows and Pages are the two main building blocks of Visual Builder Cloud Service (VBCS). Flows allow you to connect different parts of your application, while pages define your app’s individual screens or views.

You can think of a flow as a “container” for your page content. All the pages in your app must be contained within a flow. A flow can have one or more pages, and each page can be connected to other pages in the same flow using “transitions”.

Transitions allow you to control how users navigate from one page to another. You can use transitions to create simple linear flows, or more complex branching flows.

Pages are the individual views or screens in your app. Each page can contain different UI components, and is connected to other pages in the same flow using transitions.

3.   Variables

In the new Visual Builder Cloud Service, variables are one of the main building blocks. You can use variables to store data that can be used across different parts of your app, or even across different apps.

Variables can be either global or local. Global variables are defined at the app level and can be used by any page or flow in the app. Local variables are defined at the page or flow level and can only be used by that page or flow.

You can create variables using the Variable Manager, which is accessed from the App Settings menu. To create a new variable, click the “Create Variable” button and enter a name and description for the variable. You must specify a kind for the variable. The type can be either String, Number, Boolean, or Object.

Once you’ve created a variable, you can use it on any page or flow in your app by referencing it using the syntax {variableName}. For example, if you have a variable named “myVariable” that contains the value “Hello world,” you could reference it in a label component like this:


You can also use variables in expressions.

4.   Action chains

Action Chains are the main building blocks of the new Visual Builder Cloud Service. They allow you to string together a series of actions, or steps, that will be executed in order. This makes it manageable to automate repetitive tasks or processes and can save you a lot of effort in the long run.

Remember these pointers when working with Action Chains:

1. Each action must be connected to the previous action in the chain. This ensures that the actions will execute in the correct order.

2. You can add conditions to each action, which will determine whether or not the action is executed. This allows you to create more complex chains of actions and to tailor them to specific situations.

3. You can also add branch actions, which will cause the chain to branch off in different directions based on the conditions that are met. This allows you to create even more complex chains of actions.

Keep these things in mind when working with Action Chains, and you’ll be able to automate any task or process you can think of!

5.   UI Components

UI Components are one of the main building blocks of the new Visual Builder Cloud Service. They provide a way to quickly and easily create sophisticated user interfaces for your applications. With UI Components, you can add features such as buttons, menus, and form elements to your application with just a few clicks. You can also use UI Components to create custom widgets for your application.

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There are two types of UI Components: standard components and custom components. Standard components are pre-built and come with the Visual Builder Cloud Service. Custom components are created by developers and can be used in any Visual Builder Cloud Service application.

Standard components include:

  • Button
  • Menu
  • Form element
  • Custom components include:
  • Calendar widget
  • Chart widget


There are many uses for the main building blocks of the new Visual Builder Cloud Service. With these tools, you can quickly and easily create stunning visualizations of your data that can be used to improve your business decisions. You can also use these tools to create custom applications that your employees or customers can use. The possibilities are endless!

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